Friday, January 20, 2012

"Now Look at You!"

The other day, one of my co-workers swung around in her swivel chair in the midst of a bunch of typical, hushed morning planning period and recalled, "I can remember a few years ago, when you said to me in a conversation that you were getting older and hadn't accomplished anything yet. How funny is that?! Now look at you!"

I turned to her, smiled a half-lipped smile as if I were really afraid of showing my fondness for her intention, turned back to my computer screen, and proceeded to type out my lesson on protein synthesis for the day.

Although that slight conversation that morning in my office resonated deep within me, it hasn't been until now that I have fully let myself recognize the meaning behind it all. Several swim sessions later, both pondering those words and breathing in the bubbles of that complement, I realized that she was completely right.

I know that I refer to it a lot, but I know that I am on the right path because of the subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle, gifts that the Universe has sent down to guide and encourage me. Not only have I fulfilled a dream of swimming for my country this year (and sometimes more importantly received the swim cap to prove it), but I have also been able to be a third-portion of a beautiful group of women striving to make a very intentional impact on this world.

Beyond that, in the last week alone I have had a training short-documentary created to display my personal swim story, as well as the awesome camera that was used to make it. The madness continues even! Today, I became the proud new owner of ten fresh copies of a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book that I was lucky enough to be published in. I actually hugged the book when I saw it.

This world is a crazy, wonderful thing if you just let it be. Dare to make a statement about what you have or have not yet accomplished in life and the Universe will find a way to challenge it... trust me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Talking About Swimming...

One of the most fantastic things about life is when a phone call, or even an email, can completely change everything in your current outlook. I've been blessed enough to experience this concept several times in my life so far; and I can tell you, that it is an amazing reminder of what it feels and means to be alive.

My call/email? It was from an educator from Canon USA. She completely stumped me (even in writing) as she eloquently proposed a short documentary creation solely about me! Explaining that a photograph that was taken of me for Colorado View Magazine early last year was the only indicator that I would be the perfect subject in this short, mini film.

Over the course of the last few days, I have been interviewed and videotaped both swimming and working out in my adapted gym. The interview was easy and, dare I say, fun. The woman heading up the project is a dream to work with: so expressive, quite energetic, and definitely encouraging. I was able to share the parts of myself that I am most proud of and the reasons and steps that I've taken to get there.

Something that I have realized over the last year or so of my journey is that I absolutely love to talk about swimming. When I am fortunate enough to talk about swimming my heart races, sugarplums dance in my head, and puppy-dog tails come flowing out of my mouth. I'm pretty sure my eyes sparkle too.

Today was the in-water shoot, and due to the unpredictability and immense spectrum of Colorado weather, I was able to swim outside! It was a magical workout, although I felt completely responsible for making perfect strokes every single time and now have a glimpse of the great stress it must be to be one of those great swim folks who swim for instructional videos.

What I learn from all of this? I learn every single day that if you do what you love, it shows, and good things happen. 

Not only will I be able to share an undoubted beautiful mini-documentary of this journey, but I was also incredibly surprised by a supportive and generous donation from Canon as well! Do it-- do what you love.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Face Today. Embrace Today. Live Today.

The New Year is here to remind us to learn from our past and hope for the future; however, I can't help to think that most of us are just dying for a new year and a new start and neglecting the notion that an entirely new calendar year simply can't change your life by the stroke of midnight.

So, today should be the day to recognize those things that you would change in the progress of time-- and do something about it. Don't worry about the resolution part of it, don't worry about all of those woes and misfortunes. Decide what is keeping you from your own bliss and DO something.

The only one who can dictate how this year will be is YOU. It is not the action of New Year's fairies nor the power of wishing really, really hard with your eyes squinted. If today causes you to reconsider an entire calendar year, then a course of action must be set. For you have no power over the events of a year's time, only the time that you, personally, spend in it--breath by breath.

Longing for a different time (or a different year) forces one to take themselves out of the moment and out of today.

Face today. Embrace today. Live today.